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What is Specialty Insurance and Who Needs it?

Posted on: November 13, 2015 by Aegis General


What is Specialty Insurance and Who Needs itWhile the majority of people already comprehend basic policies such as homeowners, auto, and commercial property insurance, the average American likely doesn’t have a good understanding of Specialty Insurance Products. However, these particular products are a necessity for many.

Specialty insurance is exactly what it appears to be- insurance that can be purchased for specialty items and circumstances. This coverage is not available through every carrier and provides protections that would rarely be offered by a standard insurance policy.

The items that might need specialized coverage include, but are not limited to, homes with older roofs, vacant property, artwork, coin collections, collectible automobiles, rare books, antique furniture pieces, expensive jewelry, historical documents and more, as stated by Street Directory.

One might wish to obtain specialty insurance, for example, if the particular item is worth more than the location in which it is stored. For example, imagine someone had a one million dollar policy on their home, but was in possession of an extravagant jewel that was appraised at a much higher price. Specialty insurance would be necessary to cover that price gap in the event the home was burglarized or suffered damage from a fire or other disaster. While the traditional home insurance policy would typically cover the contents of the home, the coverage wouldn’t be nearly enough to recover such an expensive item.

While some might believe that specialty insurance is unnecessary, when considering the amount of loss that could result from a lack of it, cost is put into perspective.

To ensure proper coverage, an insurance agent should take a close look at any existing policies for comparison purposes in order to avoid redundant policies or gaps in coverage.

At Aegis General Insurance Agency, we are dedicated to leading underwriting and distribution in both standard and specialty insurance markets. Our expertise seeks to provide innovative products for our clients at affordable rates. For more information, contact us today (866) 662-5752.

Posted in: blog Specialty Insurance