Claims Reporting

Report all claims directly to Skyward Insurance claims professionals for timely and professional responses:

Property & Casualty Claims

To report GL, Auto, Commercial Property, Island Marine, Excess, EPLI or Crime claims:

Call: 888-321-0714  

Fax: 888-957-6437

Email a First Notice of Loss: and

Workers Compensation Claims

To report work-related injuries:

Call Medcor Nurse Triage at 833-523-0281

Email state forms and First Report of Injury forms: and

Individual product coverages, limitations, and exclusions may vary by state.

Grow your book of business with Aegis General Insurance Agency.

We invite you to learn more about our insurance programs and becoming a producer with Aegis General Insurance Agency. We can help you expand your footprint in the market segments we serve. Contact us at (866) 662-5752 or complete the form on the top of this page.

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